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Tomorrow's Palestine Association for Community Development

Palestine Al-Ghad Society for Community Development is a charitable society licensed by the Ministry of Interior under number (7630) on 28/10/2006. It operates in the Gaza Strip, with a focus on marginalized areas in the north, east, and south of the Gaza Strip, where the population exceeds 700,000, most of whom are unemployed and suffering from poverty. Palestine Al-Ghad Society for Comm...
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Distribution of sponsorships for orphans for the months of June – July – August 2022

Palestine Al-Ghad Association for Community Development “distributes sponsorships for orphans, with the support of the people of goodness and charityPalestine Al-Ghad Association for Community Development distributed sponsorships for orphans in the Gaza Strip for the months of June, July and August, with the generous support of the people of goodness and charity, as the number of beneficiaries of...
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In cooperation with the International Primary Relief Society of Palestine tomorrow, organizes a cultural journey for the category of orphans and their incubators

To enable children and their incubators to access knowledge and raise awareness of cultural monuments and heritage. Palestine tomorrow organizes a cultural journey for orphans.21/08/2023The Society of Palestine Tomorrow for Community Development, in cooperation with International Primary Relief, organized a cultural trip for the orphans and their incubators to the archaeological site of Tel Umam A...
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Providing a wheelchair and walker

To ease the suffering of pain, and to draw a smile and hope, we, in Palestine Tomorrow Association for Community Development, provided a wheelchair and a medical walker (walker) to a patient suffering from short tendons and we are still working, to draw hope and relieve pain
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