The sacrifice project for the year 2023 AD - 1444 AH

Palestine Tomorrow Association implements the project of distributing sacrificial meat to the poor for the year 2023 AD - 1444 AH

Palestine Al-Ghad Association for Community Development in Palestine implemented the project of distributing sacrificial meat for the year 2023 AD - 1444 AH to poor and marginalized families and humanitarian cases in the governorates of the Gaza Strip.

The distribution of sacrificial meat included poor and hidden families, widows, orphans and people with special needs, with a generous donation from philanthropists, and this project comes within the framework of the association’s role in providing assistance to the marginalized and needy groups of Palestinian society and bringing smiles and joy to the homes of the poor on Eid al-Adha.

For their part, the beneficiaries of the sacrifice project expressed their deep thanks and gratitude to the charitable people for the assistance they provided to them in light of the difficult conditions they live in in the Gaza Strip after poverty intensified for them and narrowed their means.