Provision of sewing machines to empower the Palestinian family

Provision of individual special projects (provision of sewing machines to empower the Palestinian family)

Under the slogan "Give it an axe" and within the Association's attention to empowering the Palestinian family, especially women who head a marginalized, poor and needy Palestinian family. to strengthen women's ability to meet their needs and develop their capacities, and to transform them from consumer women seeking assistance for themselves and their families into products capable of managing their income and self-sustaining their needs. The Society of Palestine tomorrow implemented a project to provide sewing machines for poor unemployed Palestinian women with the generous funding of the Benian Society for Community Development in the sister State of Kuwait.

The project has achieved positive results and contributed to the promotion of women's employment opportunities and the reduction of poverty and unemployment rates among women. The project has also enhanced the ability of women to meet their needs and manage their daily lives and enhance their social, economic and psychological well-being.