The Association of Palestine tomorrow holds a workshop on ways to promote community participation in development.

Photo: Society of Palestine tomorrow holds a workshop on ways to promote community participation in development.

On Monday, the Palestine Society for Community Development, in partnership with the Holst Cultural Center of the Municipality of Gaza, organized a workshop on ways to promote community participation in development and social cohesion at the Holst Cultural Center Theatre Hall.

The meeting was attended by a number of members of the Gaza Municipal Council and representatives of neighbourhood committees, elders, subjects, intellectuals and social activists with the active participation of women engaged in social and cultural work. The workshop was aimed at effectively consulting with different groups of the community in order to identify community needs and priorities for the development of the services provided by tomorrow's Palestine Society and Holst Cultural Center st.

Members of the Gaza municipality and a number of officials at the Holst Centre explained the Centre's importance and role in community development and the promotion of a culture of civil peace.

Osama Al-Aloul, director of the Holst Cultural Center, and members of the Gaza Municipal Council, Badr Sabra, spoke at the workshop about the municipality's role vis-à-vis society and the promotion of a participatory relationship with the Association that would reflect on the important areas and neighbourhoods of eastern Gaza.

Engineer Iyad Saadallah, Director of Programmes and Projects of Tomorrow's Palestine Assembly, noted the most prominent programmes, projects and activities of the Association and its development and future vision that enhance the empowerment and resilience of the Palestinian family.

The workshop was moderated by Salah Tayeh, an expert and consultant for development projects. The open debate dialogue was held with the attendees and the participants' views and suggestions were heard, which would enhance the development of the services provided and the development of new services that contribute to the promotion of social cohesion, development and community well-being.