Palestine Tomorrow Association continues to implement huge and urgent relief projects for those affected by the war in Gaza Strip

Based on its professional, national and social duty, Palestine Tomorrow Association continues to implement huge and urgent relief projects for those affected by the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. The association, coinciding with the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on the seventh of last October, mobilized all its working crews and an army of volunteers and harnessed all its material and logistical capabilities to provide emergency relief aid to those affected by the war, especially the displaced, the owners of destroyed homes, the wounded, and the afflicted families.

The association began its work in the first days of the aggression by distributing food parcels that meet the basic and urgent needs of the family. During the period of the aggression, it distributed more than 18,045 food parcels, each parcel containing more than 15 types of basic food and rationing materials, from which the displaced and those affected by the aggression benefited. In all five governorates of the Strip, and mainly in the Gaza and North governorates, as they are the two governorates most affected, in addition to distributing more than 93,730 hot meals of high nutritional value to shelter centers and needy families in the most dangerous areas and most vulnerable to destruction and aggression.

The association also implemented other relief projects to alleviate the hardship of affected families through the distribution of clothing, as it distributed more than 4,708 clothing packages during the peak of the winter season, in addition to distributing more than 2,915 sanitary packages. Each package contains materials that contribute to the family’s personal and domestic hygiene. The association distributed more than 670,000 liters of potable water to shelter centers and in destroyed and besieged neighborhoods, in order to maintain the minimum level of health safety for citizens.

Out of its keen interest in continuing the work of some medical centers and hospitals in the northern region, and in order to maintain their minimum role in providing medical and health services to citizens, the association provided these centers with more than 36 thousand liters of fuel necessary to operate electricity generators.

The association also distributed about 230 first aid kits to displaced families and those residing in dangerous areas to provide the minimum level of primary health care.

The Association expressed its deep thanks to all the supporting parties and institutions that mobilized and responded to the Association’s call and did not delay in providing material and moral support, especially institutions in Kuwait, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, the United States, Kazakhstan and other Arab, Islamic and European countries.

The association stressed the importance of the continued flow of support in alleviating the severity and cruelty of the aggression against citizens, stressing that it still has many vital humanitarian projects in its pipeline that it is implementing in the coming days for the benefit of those affected and afflicted by the aggression.

The association confirmed that, despite the difficulty of movement in the northern Gaza Strip area, especially the destruction of infrastructure, streets, communications networks, and the Internet, it did not stop for a single moment in providing services and urgent relief aid to the most affected families, the injured, the sick, the displaced, the displaced, and the orphans.

The association pointed out that the massive scale of destruction inflicted by the Israeli war machine in the Gaza Strip, especially in the North and Gaza governorates, requires a serious stance from philanthropists in the world and the provision of the maximum urgent support and assistance possible to maintain the minimum quality of life.